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An Official Start

If someone had told me a month ago that I would be starting a blog, I would tell them that if that thought should ever even enter my head, feel free to slap me square in the face. I would have probably said, "I don't have the time," or something along the lines of, "Is this a fashion blog I'm starting? Because all I have is a point-and-shoot," and possibly, "Who am I to even think that people would want to hear what I have to say?"

Well. those statements are still very true and will continue to be true very far into the future.

I'll tell you the truth and say that I still really don't know what I'm doing. Although after posting some of my writing online about a week ago, I finally decided that maybe, it was time to just jump in and stop being so afraid. Of rejection, of not being able to do anything right, of all of my photos coming out very crappily (my auto-correct just told me that that crappily isn't a word, but it stays).

So what is this all about? I really don't know. Hence the dilettante part of the name because I seem to be the jack of all trades and a master of none. I write about many different things -- mostly about my life, or rather, how I see the world. I write about my experiences, my passion (which at the current moment is fashion), anything and everything that I know.

I can't promise you that my writing won't put you to sleep or that my photos will be of the best quality (or that my fashion sense won't make you wrinkle your nose in disgust), but I can promise you that I'll try hard enough to see that this is always a place written out of pure happiness of what I'm doing... even if I don't quite know what I'm doing at time.

To all of the people that are supporting me so early in the game, thank you so much. I'll try not to let you down.

Any questions? Concerns? Advice? Anything? Feel free to contact me at any time. 


  1. I'm so glad that you've started this blog! Not to speak for anybody else, but from the comments on your Already Pretty guest post, a lot of us are looking forward to seeing what you have to say! Thank you for taking the step.

  2. Nichole,

    I am happy to see that you started a blog. I was most impressed with your guest appearance on Already Pretty. Now I see that you are as beautiful as you are eloquent.

    My best to you in everything you do.


  3. Add me to the list of folks who found our way over from Already Pretty. Congratulations on your new blog! You write about topics so in-depth and with such a mature voice, especially for one so young. I am looking forward to reading your work.

  4. I echo the other comments above and wish you the best on your new project!

  5. I'm glad to hear that. Thank you very much.


  6. Thank you. I always worry that my writing is too robotic and academic-sounding so I'm glad you look forward to it.


  7. Congratulations! And I totally agree that the important thing is to start. It will be clumsy, things will come out wrong, the pictures will be imperfect, you won't know what to say. That's okay. It's fine to meander a bit; my advice would be to try to banish worries and simply write. You have a marvelous voice in your prose, and I look forward to watching as this blog blossoms.

    (For the record, I'm still totally in the blurry-picture and having-trouble-meeting-a-posting-schedule phase. But I'm told that it gets better, and I'm starting to get a little more skilled at knowing what to write about at least.)

  8. Thank you so much. This is comforting me so much right now. I'm currently in the process of taking my first pictures for the blog and my perfectionism is getting the best of me right now.
    Thanks for the support!

